23 Cantos: Designing Brahman

Designing Brahman

Seek and ye shall find... the better you look, the more you'll see!

 This is an under construction blog for 23 Cantos, my attempt at sorting my Berkeley days into a book (sorta). Oh, and as a side benefit, it will answer three small question: Is there a God?, Is there a greater purpose in life?  Well, what is that greater purpose and how does it change our paradigms of life?  I tried a different test blog, but Google flagged it as spam, so I just started to rewrite this one! In the future, this'll be a heck of a thing.

About this blog's design:

All elements of this blog are directly related to either Beethoven's 9th Symphony (Ode To Joy) or Dante Alighieri's Divine Comeddia. The musical backgrounds are snapshots from the original manuscript, taken at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, a German website.

Design inspiration, some code, and know-how came from various resources, but the focal point of my study came from Amanda over at BloggerBuster. Other sites have more technical stuff, but she's probably the best introductory blogger out there, and it was always the easiest way into the deeper aspects of rearranging this bad boy.
